With 30% of office space expected to be flexible by 2030, Worka is solving a $1tn problem [1].
A smarter working world for employees
...work where they can match work purpose with workspace; access an ecosystem of work from home, near home, hubs, HQ; book the spaces they need at the tap of a button; best-in-class user experience; know where your colleagues are...
A smarter working world for businesses
...greater agility from workspace, easier and more transparent buying of office space; access to curated, compliant, dedicated or shared flex spaces around the world; more sustainable; greater control; better employee engagement; more transparent data and insights to enable smart decisions (learning platform); provided by a single global partner…
A smarter working world for flex operators
...instantly connected to global client demand; tapping into a world-leading service menu and supply chain to open new centres at speed and operate them profitably and sustainably…
A smarter working world for landlords
...productise vacant space into revenue-generating, profitable, sustainable flex products; accessing flex market demand on the marketplace…